Monday, September 22, 2008

Carson Weighs In

Carson had her 6 month appointment this past week and she is doing great! She is up to 15lb 6 oz and growing every day. We got the OK to start with food but so far we have just tried rice cerial which she loves. Bryce is still loving school and is talking constantly though we usually don't know what he is saying. I think he spoke to his aunt Megan on the phone the other day for like 10 minutes.......probably just breathing into the phone or talking about football.
Carsons first taste of cerial

B Jumpin' at a party

Hangin out the couch

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Day of School

My Skooooo!

So B had his first day of Pre-School on I know he has been in daycare and gone to summer camp but this still was a big step. He was so excited and did so well. While other little kids were getting out of their cars screaming Bryce hopped out and said "Bye Mom!"

Carson is 6 months old today! We have her appointment next week to get all her stat's so I will update then. She is grabbing at everything....including her brother........I didn't know it started so young between siblings!!!!!